Document (required) - Select a document - 2020 National Building Code 2020 National Fire Code 2020 National Plumbing Code 2020 National Energy Code for Buildings 1995 National Farm Building Code (small farm buildings)
2020 NBC OA Accessibility OA Accessibility OA1 Barrier-Free Path of Travel OA2 Barrier-Free Facilities OE Environment OE1 Resources OE1.1 excessive use of energy OH Health OH1 Indoor Conditions OH1.1 inadequate indoor air quality OH1.2 inadequate thermal comfort OH1.3 contact with moisture OH2 Sanitation OH2.1 exposure to human or domestic waste OH2.2 consumption of contaminated water OH2.3 inadequate facilities for personal hygiene OH2.4 contact with contaminated surfaces OH2.5 contact with vermin and insects OH3 Noise Protection OH3.1 exposure to airborne sound transmitted through assemblies separating dwelling units from adjacent spaces in the building OH4 Vibration and Deflection Limitation OH5 Hazardous Substances Containment OP Fire and Structural Protection of Buildings OP1 Fire Protection of the Building OP1.1 fire or explosion occurring OP1.2 fire or explosion impacting areas beyond its point of origin OP1.3 collapse of physical elements due to a fire or explosion OP1.4 fire safety systems failing to function as expected OP2 Structural Sufficiency of the Building OP2.1 loads bearing on the building elements that exceed their loadbearing capacity OP2.2 loads bearing on the building that exceed the loadbearing properties of the supporting medium OP2.3 damage to or deterioration of building elements OP2.4 vibration or deflection of building elements OP2.5 instability of the building or part thereof OP2.6 instability or movement of the supporting medium OP3 Protection of Adjacent Buildings from Fire OP3.1 fire or explosion impacting areas beyond the building of origin OP4 Protection of Adjacent Buildings from Structural Damage OP4.1 settlement of the medium supporting adjacent buildings OP4.2 collapse of the building or portion thereof onto adjacent buildings OP4.3 impact of the building on adjacent buildings OP4.4 collapse of the excavation OS Safety OS1 Fire Safety OS1.1 fire or explosion occurring OS1.2 fire or explosion impacting areas beyond its point of origin OS1.3 collapse of physical elements due to a fire or explosion OS1.4 fire safety systems failing to function as expected OS1.5 persons being delayed in or impeded from moving to a safe place during a fire emergency OS2 Structural Safety OS2.1 loads bearing on the building elements that exceed their loadbearing capacity OS2.2 loads bearing on the building that exceed the loadbearing properties of the supporting medium OS2.3 damage to or deterioration of building elements OS2.4 vibration or deflection of building elements OS2.5 instability of the building or part thereof OS2.6 collapse of the excavation OS3 Safety in Use OS3.1 tripping, slipping, falling, contact, drowning or collision OS3.2 contact with hot surfaces or substances OS3.3 contact with energized equipment OS3.4 exposure to hazardous substances OS3.5 exposure to high levels of sound from fire alarm systems OS3.6 persons becoming trapped in confined spaces OS3.7 persons being delayed in or impeded from moving to a safe place during an emergency OS4 Resistance to Unwanted Entry OS4.1 intruders being able to force their way through locked doors or windows OS4.2 occupants being unable to identify potential intruders as such OS5 Safety at Construction and Demolition Sites OS5.1 objects projected onto public ways OS5.2 vehicular accidents on public ways OS5.3 damage to or obstruction of public ways OS5.4 water accumulated in excavations OS5.5 entry into the site OS5.6 exposure to hazardous substances and activities OS5.7 loads bearing on a covered way that exceed its loadbearing capacity OS5.8 collapse of the excavation OS5.9 persons being delayed in or impeded from moving to a safe place during an emergency
2020 NFC OH Health OH Health OH5 Hazardous Substances Containment OP Fire and Structural Protection of Buildings OP1 Fire Protection of the Building OP1.1 fire or explosion occurring OP1.2 fire or explosion impacting areas beyond its point of origin OP1.3 collapse of physical elements due to a fire or explosion OP1.4 fire safety systems failing to function as expected OP3 Protection of Adjacent Buildings from Fire OP3.1 fire or explosion impacting areas beyond the building of origin OS Safety OS1 Fire Safety OS1.1 fire or explosion occurring OS1.2 fire or explosion impacting areas beyond its point of origin OS1.3 collapse of physical elements due to a fire or explosion OS1.4 fire safety systems failing to function as expected OS1.5 persons being delayed in or impeded from moving to a safe place during a fire emergency OS3 Safety in Use OS3.1 tripping, slipping, falling, contact, drowning or collision OS3.2 contact with hot surfaces or substances OS3.3 contact with energized equipment OS3.4 exposure to hazardous substances OS3.7 persons being delayed in or impeded from moving to a safe place during an emergency
2020 NPC OE Environment OE Environment OE1 Resources OE1.2 excessive use of water OH Health OH1 Indoor Conditions OH1.1 inadequate indoor air quality OH2 Sanitation OH2.1 exposure to human or domestic waste OH2.2 consumption of contaminated water OH2.3 inadequate facilities for personal hygiene OH2.4 contact with contaminated surfaces OH5 Hazardous Substances Containment OP Protection of the Building or Facility from Water and Sewage Damage OP5 Protection of the Building or Facility from Water and Sewage Damage OS Safety OS1 Fire Safety OS1.1 fire or explosion occurring OS1.4 fire safety systems failing to function as expected OS2 Structural Safety OS2.1 loads bearing on the building elements that exceed their loadbearing capacity OS3 Safety in Use OS3.1 tripping, slipping, falling, contact, drowning or collision OS3.2 contact with hot surfaces or substances OS3.4 exposure to hazardous substances
2020 NECB OE Environment OE Environment OE1 Resources OE1.1 excessive use of energy